Run the Business Side of Your Projects just as well as Your Production
From building custom products to refurbishing a production facility, projects are crucial to manufacturing business.
Integrate and manage the entire project life cycle, including all associated processes and financial in one system.
Manufacturers Trust Aim.Link PBO
Telecom Projects are Everywhere
A complete solution for telecommunications project business.
The telecommunications industry is changing rapidly because of progressively complex technology, huge leaps in client demands and ever-increasing competition. To be successful, companies in the telecommunications industry must keep pace with international rules, respond quickly to your clients’ demands, increase profitability, and provide state-of-the-art communication technology.
For those reasons telecommunications firms need a holistic solution so you can keep control over your processes yet remain flexible enough to respond quickly to external factors.
AEC: Projects are the Core of Your Business
You need a business system just for projects
· Get your company ready for project risk
· Understand and control project costs in real-time
· Optimize delivery through operational processes managed by the system
Construction and Engineering companies trust Project Business Operation